Saturday, August 10, 2013


It's been a long time since I've updated this blog, or really thought very much about it. Back in June of 2011, during Pride weekend, I moved to New York City. Before hand I'd put a little thought into what that move would do to my writing and the nature of the blog itself, but I didn't have any major concerns. I thought that if anything my blog would be improved by my being in the city, and that I'd have more material to work with. To my surprise at the time, that's just not how things worked out.

It's useful to think of that move as being the point where things died down, because it gives me a point to judge the distance from. Two years is a long time in this kind of writing. It's an interval of time that you can sense. It's almost geographic. It's very easy to look back and realize just how different a person I am from the kid who used to write that blog. 

I've had a lot of time to think about the successes and failures of my old blogs. Mostly the failures, because that's how human nature works. But it occurred to me that because it's been so long and people's memories change over time, if I wanted to, I could restart this site as almost a clean slate. When I first moved, I didn't know how to write about being a person in New York, or maybe a better way to say it is that a big change occurred in my life and I didn't know how to write as the person I wanted to be. 

A lot of time has since then, and with time your priorities change as well. So I'm going to conduct an experiment. For the next 30 days I'm going to write this blog as though it were a clean slate, just me as I am now continuing up. I'm curious to see if any old readers are still lurking around and if I get any input. This blog will be honest, and it also may differ considerably from the things that might have drawn people here in the past. Readers may be either shocked or bored or both.